However, as the deal Kosmo Records made with Venus & Mars Music gave them the right to remix any of the tracks from Smith's unreleased album, it was inevitable that they would surface once they became a marketable name.

In 2010, Smith decided to end their association with Venus & Mars Music and walked away from the deal. They had a passion for soul music and their dream was to sing powerful ballads and the type of uptempo pop/soul numbers Whitney Houston had made in the 1980s and 1990s, all of which seemed a long way from the tracks they had so far completed as part of the Time Won't Wait project. Smith had little interest in becoming predominately a dance act. The track made a strong showing on the dance charts but the single, just like "Bad Day All Week", had experienced sluggish sales in the UK. "When It's Alright" was re-promoted in April 2009 with new remixes by German producer, Tom Novy.
#Sam smith the lost tapes – remixed license#
Eventually, a German dance label Kosmo Records approached Venus & Mars Music and signed a worldwide license deal for the track, as well as taking an option to remix the whole of Smith's album for other territories when it was eventually released. While "When It's Alright" hadn't quite broken into the mainstream, it was gaining positive reviews. The remixes transformed the song into a deep house club track. While it was a pop- soul track in its original form, "When It's Alright" had received remix treatment by Kinky Roland, Per Qx and Kid Massive, and was serviced to club DJs. In February 2009, Venus & Mars Music released another single in the United Kingdom, " When It's Alright". They also recorded " Momentarily Mine", a ballad co-written by Lindsey Thompson. Smith recorded "A Little Melancholy", "Show a Little Mercy" and the song that would eventually become the planned album's title track, "Time Won't Wait". However, the remixes gain some traction on a couple of club charts and Venus & Mars Music dusted down more songs from Hemmings, Pearce and Conlon.

A music video was also released but the song failed to make much of an impact on the main charts. The single was released in August 2008 with remixes by Kinky Roland and Per QX.
#Sam smith the lost tapes – remixed series#
Ahead of its scheduled release as a single, the decision was made to create a series of dance and club mixes of the song. The first of Smith's recordings to see the light of the day would be " Bad Day All Week", a song written in mid '90s. In 2008, Smith had signed a deal with Venus & Mars Music, a small UK independent label and was given to record songs by songwriting team of Victoria Hemmings, William John Pearce and John Conlon.